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Amazon Kindle Ebook Cover Dimensions

Amazon Updates Kindle eBook Cover Requirements

Cover Images Now Required

Amazon has announced that all Kindle eBooks must now have a marketing cover image provided for use on the website detail page. This update is effective immediately.

Cover Image Dimensions

The ideal Kindle eBook cover size is 2560 x 1600 pixels, with a minimum resolution of 72 dpi. Amazon recommends using a high-quality image that is visually appealing and relevant to the book's content.

Creating a Cover Image

Authors can create their own cover images using a variety of software programs, such as Adobe Photoshop or GIMP. Amazon provides a template PDF and PNG file that can be used as a guide for creating a cover image that meets the required dimensions.

Interior Dimensions

Amazon does not specify any requirements for the dimensions of the interior of an eBook. However, authors should keep in mind that the interior dimensions will affect the overall appearance of the book on the Kindle reading device.
